Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New Story and Inspiration

So, I know a lot of you are wondering exactly what I've been doing in the past few weeks of my absence. And honestly, it was reworking my story, to the point where I decided to scrap my old story and come up with a new one. The characters are the same, but everything is on a smaller scale so 1) I can maintain my sanity, and 2) to make the story better and tighter.

Anyways, I'm on crunch time for my midsemester review so I'm not about to spoil too much about my new story! But just to make things easier for me I'm going to post some concept photosgraphs I dug up online :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Days of Heaven

I realize that I haven't been updating things lately, and my story has actually gone through a lot of changes pretty last minute haha, typical. So in some ways I feel like I'm back to square one, but I figure,  if it's to improve my story, it's probably worth the sacrifice.

After talking to Kathy Smith, the chair of my program, she suggested that I watch the movie Days of Heaven for cinematic reference. It's really one of the most beautiful films I've seen yet, and I wish I could have seen it in HD instead of randomly streaming it. But I think the heartbreak would have been greater, because the entire film was so, so tragic. It will probably be a while before I'm brave enough to see it again, because I'm still reeling from it.

Anyways, here are some screenshots of scenes that I thought were particularly gorgeous and haunting.

My favorite shot is the one with the locusts, because the way the sequence was shot just communicates the utter sense of despair and defeat perfectly.

Locusts starting to rain down on the farm
I know I don't usually end on a heavy note, but man. This film is one of those movies that I will be thinking of for a long time.